Request for feedback - UI dashboard

The ticket specifically says that the fix was released after 2.0.1.
2.0.2 is unlikely to ever be released, but 2.1.0 is upcoming very
shortly, and should have the fix.

Hello everyone,

i think having an alias column for mender clients would also be a nice feature, after using mender for a while now, i sometimes had trouble identifying the right clients, having only mac & ID to my disposal.
Having an alias that u can set yourself would be a nice edition to gui.

blurred some confident data


Thanks @genedupre, good feedback. We are working towards adding custom attributes for devices, which might be something useful for the feature you propose. Would it be something you’d want to set for devices individually in the UI, after they’ve connected?

You might be aware of this feature already - but you can currently set device identity attributes, if you wanted to have more available to you than only mac & ID. You would have to do this up front though, before connecting devices:

@michaelatmender thanks for the reply,

yes that would be great, in our case, also non-IT people come in contact with mender-dashboard, been able to just ‘click and give it a name’ would be great benefit

My 2 cents after using hosted Mender interface for about 2 months now.

+1 for sorting by columns! It’s definitely not ideal seeing serial numbers, etc. out of order when trying to drill down to inventory data of a particular device. It’d also be nice to select which columns to add or remove from the device table display for a quick comparison of inventory values (although the new device filtering features will help with this somewhat).

I can see a use case for quickly issuing a deployment to a few select devices without having to mess with moving around group associations if the grouping will be temporary. I’d say it’s a minor inconvenience at best to use groups for this purpose.

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