I have a Sumo branch with Mender 1.7.0 which is using for testing the Mender standalone mode.
Now, I want to test the update module which is part of the Mender 2.0.0.
Could you please let me know how to upgrade to Mender 2.0.0 (to test the update module with Mender standalone) without changing the existing Sumo base (which have many board specific changes)?
Whether removing the meta-mender sources and adding it again as git clone -b sumo git://github.com/mendersoftware/meta-mender will fetch the latest base with update module support?
Our normal workflow is to first update the latest stable branch with any updates, that means meta-mender/thud and overtime we try to backport to older branches e.g sumo and rocko. This is done “best effort wise” and timing could depend on many factors.
There is currently a PR to update meta-mender/sumo to include the beta release recipes, but this has not yet been merged.
You can take a look here,
The is also one PR for rocko,
Please note that you need to add the following to e.g local.conf to enable the beta components,
The below entries can be applied to my sumo source only after the mentioned PR got merged into the sumo master branch and fetched into my sources right? Please correct me if I’m wrong.
After couple of search and debugging, I found that this issue is already addressed by @mirzak in PR but, it is missing in the sumo branch.
After adding the DEPENDS += "xz" in "meta-mender-core/recipes-mender/mender-artifact/mender-artifact_3.0.0b1.bb", this error got resolved and it build successfully.
I think it is better to add the above changes in the sumo
I am having a different problem now, my build gets stuck in fetch because the old branches have been removed. I think it works for you because you had it already downloaded.
This is my error:
ERROR: mender-2.0.0b1-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision 040a234aba2abb1b8d9351674892a1b0c7202fea in branch update_modules even from upstream
ERROR: mender-2.0.0b1-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure for URL: 'git://github.com/mendersoftware/mender;protocol=https;branch=update_modules'. Unable to fetch URL from any source.
So I will be fixing this in addition to the change on your PR.
I simply remove the meta-mender folder from sources and add it agian using git clone -b sumo git://github.com/mendersoftware/meta-mender. This worked for me when I tried earlier today.
Got a bit confused by this today. Also getting fatal error: lzma.h: No such file or directory. Is this now resolved in master? and if so can you point me to the commit?