Storage-proxy missing in official Helm chart for OS mender


I have been running on older mender server (2.1) and decided to install version 2.5 in k8s cluster.

I followed this instructions for installing mender server (os version) with helm charts.

I got everything up and running but noticed when checking the pods that there is no storage-proxy. It is not in the charts file. Is the storage-proxy not needed any more?

What about workflow-engine (mender-workflow-server, mender-workflow-worker, mender-create-artifact-worker), is it part of the os version or only enterprise?

I can’t find any information in the Mender docs. The overview diagram in the docs doesn’t reflect the one in the mender-integration repo.

Could someone point out what components are actually needed as bare minimum to run mender server 2.5 (not in enterprise mode).



@tranchitella can you help?

Hello @markus4dev,

the Mender’s Helm chart doesn’t provide the storage proxy as it is meant to be used with an external S3-compatible API end-point. Minio can be used, similarly to what you get running the docker-compose setup, but it is up to you to configure it and expose minio either directly over the internet, as an ingress or using a reverse proxy.

Regarding your second question, workflow components are part of the Mender release, both open source and enterprise.

Thanks for your reply @tranchitella!

I think I got it, just for clarification:

Mender-deployments uploads the release artifact files to a S3-compatible API endpoint that is defined under global.s3.AWS_URI in the helm chart. And it is also this AWS_URI (including the access key and secret key) that is passed on to the clients, in order for them to be able to download the new release artifact. Right?

@markus4dev correct!