How to contribute: Board Integrations

To find resources on integrating Mender to different boards and operating systems, look at the Board Integrations category or contact

How to contribute

Making edits

All Board Integration topics are wiki posts, so that they can be kept up to date - please edit or suggest changes.

As we encourage open collaboration, anyone is allowed to suggest edits to existing posts. If you are not quite ready to make edits, please feel free to leave a comment instead so maintainers can follow up on your issue.

Creating new topics

You should create a new topic when your integration is for a combination of board and OS that is not already covered by a topic. Otherwise, it’s more appropriate to add notes inline to the existing topic or comment in the replies.

Operating system sub-categories

Topics for board integrations are firstly organized by operating system, so new topics should be created inside the category for the OS in question.

When creating a new topic in an existing OS category, there is a template to start with. Please use this template, it will help to make sure topics for different boards are easy to follow!

If there is no category for your OS, add a new category using this button on the right from the top level menu:

With ‘Board Integrations’ as its parent category.


If you are the owner of a topic, you should receive notifications when an edit is suggested or made. You can click this button below the post to change the level of notifications:


We’re here to help

As with anything on the Mender Hub forum, if you have any problems let one of the mods know and we can help you out!