About the Yocto Project category

Board integrations for the Yocto Project.

If you are looking for or writing about a Mender board integration that is not for the Yocto Project, please use a different category or use search.

When submitting a new topic, please

  • follow the template shown after creating a new topic
  • create separate topics if boards have different MACHINE variables; multiple MACHINE variables should not be covered in the same topic


It is also required to add your board to meta-mender-community and here are some steps that will help you get started:

  • create a manifest for the Google Repo tool to fetch sources from multiple repositories
  • create template files, local.conf.append and bblayers.conf
  • create bbappends if there are patches to be applied to e.g U-boot.
  • create a PR with any code, manifest files and templates for your integration to the corresponding Yocto Project branch of meta-mender-communtiy

For additional information check the README.md in meta-mender-community.

Here is an example commit adding a new vendor and board.

The general contribution guidelines of Mender apply to meta-mender-community as well.

Incomplete posts

You are still allowed to create a post even if you are not able to full all the above guidelines. In that case you need to prefix your post topic with the [INCOMPLETE] tag.



You post should also have an “TODO” section outlining what remains to be done to be able to remove the [INCOMPLETE] tag.