Deployments stopped working - error about not able to retieve info due to plan

I am getting the device config retieval errors on my dashboard when selecting devices. I also notice that recent artifakts don’t get deployed, but mender says they are deployed successdfully therefore I don’t have logs to review with my plan (only on failures logs are available). Our plan has not changed, 100 devices basic plan, we have successfully depployed for a while now and we have not changed our artifakt types. Any insights much appreciated. Thanks

Hi @m10,

The error message that you have shown refers to the Configuration Add-On, which is optional at an extra charge. This message should not be there though. Did you maybe change from the Trial to Basic relatively recently, and there might be leftover information in your browser data?

Concerning artefacts not being deployed, you mean that they are listed as “Deployment Successful” on the Mender dashboard, but do not get applied on the device?


Hi Josef,

Thank you for getting back on this issue. We have been running this set up for over two years now without changes to our plan except for adding the remote troubleshooting ad on a year ago and adding more devices around the same time. It has been working without issues.

Yes, that is correct, it reports that the artifact got installed correctly in the Mender portal. However, the software on the device is unchanged. Any ideas are much appreciated.

Thank you,