Debian bookworm repository?

Currently Debian Bullseye and Debian Buster repos are mentioned in the documentation regarding Mender client installation using the APT repository method. Are there plans to add a Debian Bookworm repo?

Hi @bssi,

Plans, yes. I hope we can take on it with the repository management tasks being carried out at the moment - which were partially sparked by the client 4.0 incident.


Hi @TheYoctoJester,

Thanks for the update. I’m happy to hear that.


Will there be arm64 packages too? Or only armhf like for bullseye?

All the distributions are build for three Debian architectures: amd64, armhf and arm64. And so it is the plan for Bookworm to have the same architectures.

Which package you found missing for Debian Bullseye arm64?

@bssi @nept

The APT repositories for Bookworm are now available: Downloads | Mender documentation


@TheYoctoJester Thanks for the update!