EDIT by @TheYoctoJester: added this paragraph from an earlier comment
But shouldn’t 3.3.1 also be there?
According to https://docs.mender.io/release-information/release-schedule 3.3 should be the current long term release and 3.3.1 a bugfix for this.
Also, can it be that 3.3.0 is now gone from the repository? Pulling an still supported LTS release seems not nice.
Hi @diekleinekuh,
I’m looking into how this is all related concerning the repository creation and feeding. Probably won’t get around to it this week, so please accept a few days delay. Thanks!
Hello @diekleinekuh,
We updated our documentation about the installation of the Mender Client using the APT repository to be more explicit about the fact that using it you will always install the latest released Mender components.
If you need to install a specific version, or you want to stick to a specific minor release (e.g., to the latest LTS version), you can manually download the Debian packages from the APT repository pool.
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