Trouble with Mender Server installation

Hello everyone, I wish you a great day,

I’ve been trying to install Mender Server with this tutorial:

and I’m stuck at this step “Installing the Mender Helm chart”. I created the mender-3.7.5.yml file and try to run it with helm upgrade --install mender mender/mender -f mender-3.7.5.yml as per tutorial, but I get the following error message:

coalesce.go:199: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for image (map[pullPolicy:IfNotPresent repository:nats tag:2.9.20-alpine])
coalesce.go:199: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for image (map[pullPolicy:IfNotPresent repository:nats tag:2.9.20-alpine])
coalesce.go:199: warning: cannot overwrite table with non table for image (map[pullPolicy:IfNotPresent repository:nats tag:2.9.20-alpine])
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: template: mender/templates/useradm/deployment.yaml:33:8: executing "mender/templates/useradm/deployment.yaml" at <include "mender.useradmPodTemplate" $context>: error calling include: template: mender/templates/useradm/_podtemplate.yaml:145:31: executing "mender.useradmPodTemplate" at <include "menderVersionMajor" .>: error calling include: template: mender/templates/_helpers.tpl:260:56: executing "menderVersionMajor" at <$mndr_splitted._1>: undefined variable: $mndr_splitted

I’m running Ubuntu 20.04, freshly installed and I installed k3s as well as helm per the tutorial all fresh.
I tried to look up the error messages, but nothing came up, I assume because “mndr_splitted” is something wrong with the helm config?

Maybe someone of you already encountered this and might be able to help?

Thank you and have a nice day!

Hello @bztry ,
could you please share your values file? Of course without any secret in it :wink:


Of course, no problem :slight_smile:

I believe it’s just the minimal example from the tutorial:

  enterprise: false
    tag: 3.7.5
    URL: ""
    URL: ""
    AWS_URI: "https://minio.local"
    AWS_BUCKET: "mender-artifact-storage"
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "mkey"
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "mkey123"
  url: "mendertest.local"

# This enables bitnami/mongodb sub-chart
  enabled: true
    enabled: true
    rootPassword: "m123"
    replicaSetKey: "m123"

# This enabled nats sub-chart
  enabled: true

    SSL: false

    key: |-
    key: |-

Thank you

EDIT: I found the error. I was using the tag 3.7.5 when I should’ve been using mender-3.7.5. This was totally my mistake, the docs even recommend the tags and their format.
I found out when I checked the _helpers.tpl file in the helm repo.
I believe though that this error message is really misleading and maybe there could be more clear error in case of an unexpected tag in the future.

Anyways, cheers and maybe this will help some other people in the future who use a wrong tag :smiley:

Hi @bztry ,
thanks for your update. Let’s try to address it in this PR: Fails if tag doesn't start with mender- by oldgiova · Pull Request #324 · mendersoftware/mender-helm · GitHub

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