Support for Toradex Colibri IMX8QXP and Colibri IMX6ULL 1GB

Hi @TheYoctoJester

Thanks for the quick response.

My colleague did some tests, basically following the instructions here first:

This didn’t work, tested with both modules. It seems that some .patch files no longer are up to date, and therefore the yocto build failed, also BSP 6.2 is used there, but recent dev is 6.4.

After that, I think he used the instructions from here: Toradex Colibri i.MX6ULL
That worked, although for the wrong module (the none-eMMC type) and only the old BSP as mentioned.

It probably makes sense to wait with the integration until there’s the an LTS-Release for the BSP 6, because then things might change slower: Embedded Linux Release Matrix | Toradex Developer Center

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