Standalone deployment ArtifactReboot_Leave not working

I creating a mender update using yocto. I’m using PREFERRED_VERSION_mender = “4.0.4”. The following is my recipe to add the state scripts

FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := “${THISDIR}/files:”
SRC_URI = “file://ArtifactReboot-Leave-10

S = “${WORKDIR}”

inherit mender-state-scripts

do_compile() {
cp ArtifactInstall-Enter-10 ${MENDER_STATE_SCRIPTS_DIR}/ArtifactInstall_Enter_10
cp ArtifactReboot-Leave-10 ${MENDER_STATE_SCRIPTS_DIR}/ArtifactReboot_Leave_00

The ArtifactInstall_Enter runs fine but the ArtifactReboot_Leave doesn’t run.

At which stage of the reboot should I expect ArtifactReboot_Leave to run? Obviously the kernel must be booted but which other services will have started when ArtifactReboot_Leave runs? Will the file system be mounted when it runs ? Is there a log I can look at to see and error message if it failed?

Hi @jbutler,

If the Mender Client is not running in daemon mode, the consumer/wrapper around it is expected to handle some things itself, including the reboot and all connected logic. Therefore not all states are available as hooks then. See also: State scripts | Mender documentation


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