#!/usr/bin/env bash
1>&2 echo "Script aborted due to failed bash command. Telling Mender to try later";
# Return code 21 to tell Mender to try again later
exit 21;
It has the following properties:
ls -alrt ArtifactReboot_Enter_01_machine-safe.sh
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 235 Aug 15 11:08 ArtifactReboot_Enter_01_machine-safe.sh
I can run the file manually:
# ./ArtifactReboot_Enter_01_machine-safe.sh
Script aborted due to failed bash command. Telling Mender to try later
# echo $?
Version of mender:
# mender -version
runtime: go1.9.4
My ultimate goal is for the script to stall the reboot under certain circumstances, but it doesn’t seem to stall it at all. What am I doing wrong?
Scripts for states starting with Artifact must be part of the Mender Artifact and not the root filesystem.
You can provide scripts when creating the Mender Artifact with the -s flag,
$ mender-artifact write rootfs-image --help
mender-artifact write rootfs-image - Writes Mender artifact containing rootfs image
mender-artifact write rootfs-image [command options] <image path>
--file FILE, -f FILE Payload FILE.
--device-type value, -t value Type of device(s) supported by the Artifact. You can specify multiple compatible devices providing this parameter multiple times.
--artifact-name value, -n value Name of the artifact
--output-path value, -o value Full path to output artifact file.
--version value, -v value Version of the artifact. (default: 3)
--key value, -k value Full path to the private key that will be used to verify the artifact signature.
--script value, -s value Full path to the state script(s). You can specify multiple scripts providing this parameter multiple times.
If you are using Yocto, take a look at the reference recipe for state-scripts,