Raspberry Pi 4 Model B - Yocto 4.0 "kirkstone" and earlier

6 posts were split to a new topic: RPi4 boot problem

is there an update for scarthgap?

Hi @maxhochlenertarnoldn,

Update in terms of this article? Yes, once I find the time to adjust it. The meta-mender and meta-mender-community layers are updated and available on Mender · GitHub, so you should be good to go.


Thanks for the quick response, no pressure. Just for reference:

The tutorial on this page is referenced here:

However, this tutorial:

does not work with replacing “zeus” by “scarthgap”, because the scarthgap branch of meta-mender-community/meta-mender-raspberrypi at scarthgap · mendersoftware/meta-mender-community · GitHub does not contain all files that zeus contains.

It’s probably an easy fix for somebody proficient in yocto, but an updated tutorial might be helpful for newcomers.

Hi @maxhochlenertarnoldn

Ah yes, now I see the issue. So, all of the example builds have been moved to kas configuration files as described here: Using kas to reproduce your Yocto builds. The one for building a 64bit-image for the Raspberry Pi 4 is meta-mender-community/kas/raspberrypi4-64.yml at scarthgap · mendersoftware/meta-mender-community · GitHub.

So essentially, without crafting a full blown tutorial overhaul:

  1. make sure your box fulfils the build requirements and has the kas tool installed
  2. git clone https://github.com/mendersoftware/meta-mender-community -b scarthgap
  3. mkdir -p meta-mender-community/my-raspberrypi4-64 && cd meta-mender-community/my-raspberrypi4-64
  4. kas build ../kas/raspberrypi4-64.yml

That should get you the build going.


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Hi @maxhochlenertarnoldn, for reference, see Raspberry Pi 4 Model B - Yocto 5.0 "scarthgap" and later
