Problem with the signature of medner-artifact

Also tried reording the arguments to mender-artifact sign, still looks ok to me:

$ mender-artifact sign my-container-update-1.0.mender -k private.key -o my-container-update-1.0-signed.mender
$ mender-artifact read my-container-update-1.0-signed.mender -k public.key 
Mender artifact:
  Name: my-container-update-1.0
  Format: mender
  Version: 3
  Signature: signed and verified correctly
  Compatible devices: '[my-device-type]'
  Provides group: 
  Depends on one of artifact(s): []
  Depends on one of group(s): []
  State scripts:

    Type:   docker
    Provides: Nothing
    Depends: Nothing
	  "containers": [

I was using:

$ mender-artifact -version
mender-artifact version 3.1.0-dirty