I downloaded the tools to create the artifacts (docker update, file update and other update modules), but when I try to execute the signature using the keys generated in RSA, the result is always this:
Signature: signed; verification using provided key failed
I tried to also use “- -k” but nothing, at the end of the generation of the artifact, is always with the same problem.
I’ve tried it with the last artifacts of misery but nothing…
./docker-artifact-gen -n ${ARTIFACT_NAME} -t ${DEVICE_TYPE} -o ${OUTPUT_PATH} ${DOCKER_IMAGES}
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from library/debian
4a56a430b2ba: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:e25b64a9cf82c72080074d6b1bba7329cdd752d51574971fd37731ed164f3345
Status: Downloaded newer image for debian:latest
Artifact my-container-update-1.0.mender generated successfully:
Mender artifact:
Name: my-container-update-1.0
Format: mender
Version: 3
Signature: no signature
Compatible devices: '[my-device-type]'
Provides group:
Depends on one of artifact(s): []
Depends on one of group(s): []
State scripts:
Type: docker
Provides: Nothing
Depends: Nothing
"containers": [
$ mender-artifact sign -k private.key -o my-container-update-1.0-signed.mender my-container-update-1.0.mender
$ mender-artifact validate my-container-update-1.0-signed.mender -k public.key
Artifact file 'my-container-update-1.0-signed.mender' validated successfully
$ mender-artifact read my-container-update-1.0-signed.mender -k public.key
Mender artifact:
Name: my-container-update-1.0
Format: mender
Version: 3
Signature: signed and verified correctly
Compatible devices: '[my-device-type]'
Provides group:
Depends on one of artifact(s): []
Depends on one of group(s): []
State scripts:
Type: docker
Provides: Nothing
Depends: Nothing
"containers": [
The only difference compared to your sequence of commands is the order of the arguments to mender-artifact sign, but I can not see that this should have any impact. I will test this as well but wanted to share these results first