Nvidia Jetson L4T Integration

Nvidia Jetson L4T Integration with full A/B system update tutorial

This tutorial is based on Nvidia’s official documentation for flashing the devices and getting back the filesystems for the developers to customize the device properly. Then the person can replicate this board used for development to the ones already on the field thanks to Mender’s OTA technology.

Please be aware this tutorial is intended for devices that are compatible with the A/B partitioning feature and it is not available for Jetson Nano devices. This tutorial will be focused on Nvidia’s Jetson Xavier NX board, but you can use it for any other compatible board with some minor tweaks. Also, this tutorial only covers upgrades without “Partition Layout Changes”

You can get all the Nvidia-provided files from here.


  • One Jetson Board for development (Xavier NX Devkit in this example)
    • It is recommended to use a 64GB SD card or larger as A/B configuration use twice the space of the device.
  • Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 as host machine (as required by Nvidia’s official tools)
  • Mender artifact installed in your host machine
  • An existing Hoster Mender account. If you don’t have one you can open and try it for for free (12 months up to 10 devices)"
  • Micro USB cable to connect the Jetson board to the Host machine
  • (Recommended) Ethernet cable for the Jetson
  • (Recommended) HDMI cable and a screen for configuration of the development board
  • (Optional) TTL Serial cable

Setting up the Nvidia Jetson

The following instructions are based on the “Setting Up the Root File System” section from the official Nvidia documentation. This procedure uses the sample file system provided by NVIDIA, but can use your own rootfs. It will assume you prefer the Unified Bootloader and Rootfs A/B Enabled approach recommended by Nvidia; otherwise, please check here.

Set up the rootfs

  • Get the package for the current release of Jetson Linux and unpack and apply its sample root filesystem Tegra-Linux-Sample-Root-Filesystem_<release_type>.tbz2

And extract it

tar xpf Jetson_Linux_<rel>_aarch64.tbz2
  • Get the NVIDIA-provided sample root file system Tegra-Linux-Sample-Root-Filesystem_<release_type>.tbz2 and extract it as follows:
cd ./Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs
sudo tar -jxpf ../../Tegra-Linux-Sample-Root-Filesystem_<release_type>.tbz2

Do the same for the Nvidia OTA tools ota_tools_<rel>_aarch64.tbz2

cd ../..
tar xpf ./ota_tools_<rel>_aarch64.tbz2
cd Linux_for_Tegra
  • Run the apply_binaries.sh script to copy the NVIDIA user space libraries into the target file system.
sudo ./apply_binaries.sh

If the apply_binaries.sh script installs the binaries correctly, the last message output from the script is “Success!”.

Flash the Jetson device

You need to connect the Jetson device to your host machine now using the USB cable, you can connect the other cables as well (ethernet, HDMI and peripherals or TTL). For flashing the devices you only need to put your device in Factory Reset mode placing a jumper just like the image below and then connecting it to a power source.

And then, from there run

sudo ROOTFS_AB=1 ./flash.sh [options] <target_board> <rootdev>


  • ROOTFS_AB=1 enables the rootfs redundancy.
  • <target_board> indicates the type of device:
    • For Jetson Xavier NX: jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc or jetson-xavier-nx-devkit.
    • For Jetson AGX Xavier series: jetson-agx-xavier-devkit.
    • For Jetson TX2 series: jetson-tx2-devkit.
  • <rootdev> specifies the location of the root file systems.

For the Jetson Xavier NX devkit, we are running the following command:

sudo ROOTFS_AB=1 ./flash.sh jetson-xavier-nx-devkit mmcblk0p1

You can remove the jumper now.

Power up the Jetson board

After ensuring the jumper is no longer inserted into the device, you can power cycle your Nvidia board and configure it using the Serial cable or a screen with a mouse and keyboard.

Proceed to configure your username, passwords and accept Nvidia’s license. Then, you can modify the system to fit your needs.

Taking advantage of the UDA partition

Depending on the partition schema used in your board, you can use the UDA partition as described by official Nvidia docs to store your information. For more information, please check this website.

We are going to use this UDA partition to store information that will be shared between root filesystems A and B. Let’s format it as it is just a placeholder at this moment. In the default Jetson Xavier NX partition schema, it can be found as mmcblk0p12. But depending on your device, it could be

sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p12

And use it as the /data partition as required by Mender.

sudo mkdir -p /data
sudo su -c "echo '/dev/mmcblk0p12 /data ext4 defaults 0 0' >> /etc/fstab"
sudo mount -a

Mender installation

Download the Mender’s application. In this tutorial we are using the Express installation, but you can choose a different method from here. If you follow this one, you may need to install curl first.

curl -fLsS https://get.mender.io -o get-mender.sh
sudo sh get-mender.sh

Mender configuration

Configure the mender client, you will be asked for your Mender’s credentials and other parameters.

sudo mender setup

We strongly recommend to use the same official nomenclature from Nvidia for setting the “device_type” variable as described previously in Flash the Jetson device.

After installing the Mender client with get.mender.io, the mender-client package is maintained by the package manager.

Some Mender files have to live in the /data partition. Move them as follows:

sudo mv /var/lib/mender /data
sudo ln -s /data/mender /var/lib/mender

Creating the update module

First create the following directories

sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/mender/modules/v3
sudo touch  /usr/share/mender/modules/v3/rootfs-image-jetson

And create the rootfs-image-jetson file by copying the following code


set -ue



# Nvidia uses the concept of "slots", they will
# be always 0 and 1 values for A and B partitions


# Some useful information for integrity check
mkdir -p "/data/fs_update/"
active_num="$(nvbootctrl get-current-slot)"

if test $active_num -eq $MENDER_ROOTFS_PART_A_NUMBER; then

case "$STATE" in
        if [ "$(nvbootctrl get-number-slots)" != "2" ]; then
            echo "Your device need to be configured to use A/B partitioning"
            exit 1

        # Let's record what slot we expect to boot next time
        echo $passive_num > $mender_boot_part
        # Let's enable Nvidia's scripts
        mkdir -p "$HOME"/workdir
        export WORKDIR="$HOME"/workdir
        tar -jxvf $nvidia_tools -C $WORKDIR
        # UDA partition as temp location disabled initially
        # If you have a big enough UDA partition or a small rootfs
        # partition size, uncomment the following line  
        # Let's move the payload
        mkdir -p "/${UDA}ota/"
        mv $ota_payload_package "/${UDA}ota/"
        mkdir -p "/${UDA}ota_work"
        if [ ! -z "$UDA" ]
            ln -sfn "/${UDA}ota_work" "/ota_work"
        # Let's run the upgrade process
        cd ${WORKDIR}/Linux_for_Tegra/tools/ota_tools/version_upgrade
        ./nv_ota_start.sh /dev/mmcblk0 "/${UDA}ota/ota_payload_package.tar.gz"
        # nv_ota_start.sh set the unused slot to active for next reboot
        >&2 echo "Next boot will load Slot $passive_num" 
        #cleaning up the disk
        if [ ! -z "$UDA" ]; then
            rm -rf "/${UDA}ota_work"
            rm -rf "/${UDA}ota/"

        echo "Yes"

        echo "Automatic"

        echo "Yes"

        # We use stderr for logging as Mender protocol uses stdout for exchanging messages with the server.
        >&2 echo "ArtifactVerifyReboot: The active partition is $active_num while the last passive was $(cat $mender_boot_part)"
        if test "$(cat $mender_boot_part)" != "$active_num"; then
            exit 1
        # Recommend calling sync at the end here as well

        >&2 echo "ArtifactVerifyRollbackReboot: The active partition is $active_num while the last passive was $(cat $mender_boot_part)"
        if test "$(cat $mender_boot_part)" = "$active_num"; then
            exit 1
        # Recommend calling sync at the end here as well

        >&2 echo "ArtifactCommit: The active partition is $active_num while the last passive was $(cat $mender_boot_part)"
        if test "$(cat $mender_boot_part)" = "$active_num"; then
            nvbootctrl mark-boot-successful
            # If we get here, an upgrade in standalone mode failed to  
            # boot and the user is trying to commit from the old OS.
            # This communicates to the user that the upgrade failed.
            echo "Upgrade failed and was reverted: refusing to commit!"
            exit 1

        >&2 echo "ArtifactRollback: The active partition is $active_num while the last passive was $(cat $mender_boot_part)"
        if test "$(cat $mender_boot_part)" = "$active_num"; then
            nvbootctrl set-active-boot-slot $passive_num

exit 0

And don’t forget to make it executable

chmod +x /usr/share/mender/modules/v3/rootfs-image-jetson

You can modify it if it makes sense to your workflow, but we encourage to use the state scripts to modify the default behavior instead.

Please notice this tutorial only covers the rootfs update; if you need to update your bootloader or the kernel partitions, please modify your update module accordingly.

Getting the Golden image

After customizing your system as you like, we can snapshot this state in order to replicate it in the other devices of the fleet by OTA updates.

You can choose to follow the Nvidia way of getting the rootfs or the mender way of doing it.

The Mender way

The Mender way of getting the rootfs image relays in dumping the filesystem from the running target and with that creating the final artifact. If you don’t have SSH enabled, don’t forget to install it in your host machine first with “sudo apt install openssh-server”. Don’t forget to check the firewall to allow SSH connections.

First of all, let’s grab the rootfs from our reference board, the rootfs will be located in the home directory of our host machine.

Run the following command on your Jetson device:

USER="user" #host username
HOST="host-ip" #check it is reachable from the Jetson
sudo mender snapshot dump | ssh $USER@$HOST /bin/sh -c 'cat > $HOME/my-jetson-fs.raw'

If you prefer to stick with the Mender way, you can check for additional information from here

The Nvidia way

The Nvidia way of extracting the image is documented here. For this tutorial, we are going to relay in the filesystem from the running target and with that creating the final artifact.

First of all, let’s grab the rootfs from our reference board, so we need to put our device in factory reset mode again and run from the host the following command:

$ sudo ./flash.sh -r -k APP -G <clone> <board> mmcblk0p1


  • <clone> determines the names of the copies.
  • <board> specifies the configuration of the target device.

This step creates two copies of in the directory: a sparse image (smaller than the original) named , and an exact copy named .raw.

In this example, the command will look like this:

sudo ./flash.sh -r -k APP -G my-jetson-fs jetson-xavier-nx-devkit mmcblk0p1

Generating the Nvidia’s OTA package

As we are not moving from versions of the system but we are deploying our modifications, we are going to set the following variables to the same value. In the case you need to upgrade from different versions of L4T, please check official Nvidia’s docs


To generate our OTA package, we will need to create first a recovery image as follows (please notice we specify R32-6 as our version but you can change it for new releases):

sudo ./tools/ota_tools/version_upgrade/build_base_recovery_image.sh jetson-xavier-nx-devkit R32-6 ${BASE_BSP} ${BASE_BSP}/rootfs ${TARGET_BSP}

Due to Nvidia’s bootloader configuration and the updater script we are going to use, we will pass the captured rootfs as a tarball. So we need to mount it, create the tarball and finally create the Nvidia’s OTA payload.

mkdir -p tmp-fs
sudo mount -o loop my-jetson-fs.raw tmp-fs
cd tmp-fs
sudo tar -cvpzf ../image_fs.tar.gz --exclude=./data --exclude=./image_fs.tar.gz --one-file-system ./
cd ..
sudo ./tools/ota_tools/version_upgrade/l4t_generate_ota_package.sh -sr -o rootfs_updater.sh -f image_fs.tar.gz jetson-xavier-nx-devkit R32-6

Please notice the -f image_fs.tar.gz we generated in the previous step. The rootfs_updater.sh is an example script provided as a base by Nvidia in tools/ota_tools/version_upgrade/nv_ota_rootfs_updater.sh and renamed later and we are going to use it in this example. But you can change it as needed.

For other configurations and options, please review this.

Generating a mender artifact

For creating the artifact, you will need to set the mender artifact application in your host machine following this link. Ensure the “DEVICE_TYPE” value is the same specified when configuring the Mender client.

Please notice the device_type in the IMAGE variable path and in the DEVICE_TYPE variable and change it as needed.

OTA_TOOLS="./ota_tools_aarch64.tbz2" #Please modify the path and name like this
mender-artifact write module-image -T rootfs-image-jetson -n ${ARTIFACT_NAME} -t ${DEVICE_TYPE} -o ${OUTPUT_PATH} -f ${IMAGE} -f ${OTA_TOOLS}


  • ARTIFACT_NAME - The name of the Mender Artifact
  • DEVICE_TYPE - The compatible device type of this Mender Artifact
  • OUTPUT_PATH - The path where to place the output Mender Artifact. This should always have a .mender suffix
  • IMAGE - The path to the nvidia’s package to be bundled in the Artifact

The Mender Artifact used by this Update Module has the root filesystem image as the only payload.

Deploying the full system update to your devices

You can use Mender’s API to upload you artifact to the OTA server or to take advantage of the Mender’s website as described in the official Mender documentation to deploy your update to your whole fleet.

Final comments

Don’t forget this process is highly scalable, so you can use it to upgrade your whole fleet at once with many other options Mender provides and you can learn from the official documentation website and from the official forum Mender Hub. Also, don’t forget to check the official Nvidia’s documentation website for extra parameters.



Thanks for this guide, it works well for creating an update deployment, but how do I create a disk image based on this so I can provision a new device (doing it from scratch with the sample filesystem seems inefficient)?

1 Like

Hi @oscarthorn,

To clarify, are you using the L4T rather than Yocto, right?

If so, you need to get a device for development purposes (not part of your fleet) that you will use it to generate Golden Images.

So let’s imagine you have your fleet deployed with L4T and Mender, so you have to update and modify your development board with the new changes and then you can generate a new artifact from it. But how? Just follow this guide from this point:

To understand the concept of a Golden image you can take a look here: Create an Artifact with system snapshot | Mender documentation.

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

@lramirez Thanks for the response! But I’m still not certain about what’s the best workflow for adding a new device, an artifact can be used to update an existing device but not flash a blank sd card right?

So is the best way to take the generated my-jetson-fs.raw file and flash that using the flash script from nvidia? Or is there a better way?

@oscarthorn, correct. The first time we flash the device, it is recommended to do it using NVidia tools as their system is pretty custom, and we want to add value with Mender to their workflow without breaking anything. I think it is a good idea to follow their best practices.

After we have the device ready the first time, then we can use Mender easily.
As a side comment, another option you could contemplate is to use a different filesystem instead of the sample NVidia provides. I haven’t tried it myself, but it could save some time if it makes more sense in your workflow :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for this clean and nice tutorial.

Managed to apply it to an AGX Xavier and almost got it to work. Still an issue when booting the new partition, but it seems more Nvidia than Mender related.

Just a question, it there a special reason you

        # Let's move the payload
        mkdir -p "/${UDA}ota/"
        mv $ota_payload_package "/${UDA}ota/"

and then

./nv_ota_start.sh /dev/mmcblk0 "/${UDA}ota/ota_payload_package.tar.gz"

Wouldn’t it be simpler to just

./nv_ota_start.sh /dev/mmcblk0 "$ota_payload_package"

Do we need this move ?

Hello @MartinHerren,

It is possible to do it as you mentioned. However, in my tests, (once) the payload started to unpack, and the partition did not have enough space to continue, so the update failed.
So using the UDA partition (big enough) was a fail-proof option for my tests. But in the end, it will depend on how big your partitions are configured and how big your payload is.

As a side note, I faced this issue on an early release version of Jetpack, and I don’t know if that was fixed, but I can tell that the version I shared works as expected at least.

My recommendation is to test it as you described and if it works for you, it should be ok.


A post was split to a new topic: Problem flashing NVidia Jetson/Xavier, Jetpack 5.1

Hi, has anyone tried this with Nvidia R35.1?

It does not seem to support creating OTA packages without moving between versions. If I run sudo -E ./tools/ota_tools/version_upgrade/build_base_recovery_image.sh jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc R35-1 ${BASE_BSP} ${BASE_BSP}/rootfs ${TARGET_BSP}, i get Target board(JETSON_XAVIER_NX_DEVKIT_EMMC) and base version(R35_1) is not supported

1 Like

Hello @lramirez has this experiment been tried with OS OTA on external drive on a Xavier NX emmc using Jetpack 5.1 (R35.2.1)? We have successfully been able to create the OTA Payload package, deploy to target Jetson device with changes in some parts of the scripts to utilize /dev/nvme0n1 instead of mmcblk0p1.
The Mender deployment works until installation stage & then stays in reboot stage. However, when we check the Jetson device, we see that it has rebooted with the new rootfs image, but on internal drive instead of external even though we have updated the /usr/share/mender/modules/v3/rootfs-image-jetson to consider external drive instead of internal. We also made this change in the above script:

# Let's run the upgrade process
        cd ${WORKDIR}/Linux_for_Tegra/tools/ota_tools/version_upgrade
        ./nv_ota_start.sh /dev/nvme0n1 "/${UDA}ota/ota_payload_package.tar.gz"

We think this bug could be a part being enforced by the mender binary object. How do we tell Mender that the reboot needs to happen on external drive instead?
Could you let us know if the hypothesis is correct?

Edit 1: Adding more context

  • OTA from Jetpack 4.6 R32.7.1 to Jetpack 5.1 R35.2.1
  • OTA Payload package created using the sample rootfs image & BSP downloaded from the release page of Jetpack 5.1.
  • Command used for OTA Payload package creation from NVIDIA Documentation
sudo -E ROOTFS_AB=1 ./tools/ota_tools/version_upgrade/l4t_generate_ota_package.sh -o rootfs_updater.sh --external-device nvme0n1 -S 40GiB jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc R32-7
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@KlausPopp, as far as I am aware, NVIDIA is choosing to provide support for performing OTA from older BSP versions to the latest as the support for the older versions is much more urgent. I think OTA from 35.x → 35.y versions might be supported in Jetpack 5.1.1.

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@KlausPopp & @user_1,

I am in touch with the OE4T people who are currently also working on understanding NVidias stance on their own so-called OTA process and the usecases it supports, and which it does not. As far as I can see, there is still a lot of moving parts there. My suggestion is to join their [project chat|(- Gitter) and try to find a way forward there. Feel free to ping me there too in order to hook you up.


1 Like

Hello guys. I am trying to update the version R32.7.1 to R32.7.2 on AGX Xavier 32GB using Mender and everything went well until the end. I followed all the instructions above.
I get this error on the Mender server:

Artifact install failed: Payload: can not install Payload: ota_payload_package.tar.gz: Unable to stream into /var/lib/mender/modules/v3/payloads/0000/tree/files/ota_payload_package.tar.gz: write /var/lib/mender/modules/v3/payloads/0000/tree/files/ota_payload_package.tar.gz: no space left on device

I think that there is enough space on bot the partitions:

mmcblk0p1 → 40% free
mmcblk0p2 → 100% free

Thanks in advance

Hello @petarkalafatic,

Can you execute a realpath to that directory? I am almost sure it still lives in mmcblk0p1. In that case, remember that the payload containing the new image could be as big as the current content of mmcblk0p1. Meaning that 60% + 60% will cause to get out of disk.
You can mount /var/lib/mender in any partition if it makes sense and as long as it is persistent.

Otherwise, you will need to have bigger partitions at a point that you will always have 50%+ free.

Hope it helps, have a nice day!

Thank you for your response. Yes it does make sense.

I am now trying to switch the boot sequence to the M.2 NVMe SSD I bought as first boot device but also am not having any luck.

As I understand, the Jetson Xavier AGX uses Cboot that should “pop up” by pressing “any key” during the restart process? It does not appear to me?

I also found that there are many workarounds by using some scripts on github and I am not sure if that would work for the A/B system update using mender?

Is there a way to flash the AGX with A/B partitioning on the external NVMe SSD and being able to do the OTA update on the same drive?

Thank you

Hello @petarkalafatic,

I only have the Jetson Xavier NX at hand, I am not aware of any particular workflow in the AGX bootloader to be honest. Probably Nvidia’s support is a better fit for this question in particular.

flash.sh utility from Nvidia makes the redundant configuration on the device side. You can check their docs here.

Hope it helps,

Thanks :slight_smile:

And sorry for the many questions. I am trying to get all of this running and every time I try something using the tutorial or by the docs a new error message appears :smiley: C’est la vie :smiley:
I got the (A/B update) running too but am a bit stuck at the OTA via Mender.
Followed the tutorial above and created the Mender Artifact with the update, uploaded the Artifact to the hosted server and when I click Deploy it’s just stuck at downloading. Not moving from that 1%?
Am I doing something wrong? No error just stuck

I created a script type Artifact to test the installation of VLC Media player and it went without any problems.

Hello @petarkalafatic,

No worries, and thanks for using Mender Hub, this could be useful for someone else in the future :slight_smile:

Mender server doesn’t know anything about “how much time is left in the current state” so these percentages are approximations but the actual critical part is when Mender moves from Download to Install, from Install to Reboot and so on. Depending on the network the download state could take plenty of time, but if you are sure it actually got stuck, I recommend you to use the Troubleshoot add-on’s remote terminal feature (or any other kind of connection like Serial or SSH) to check the logs from the Mender client. It would be as simple as journalctl -u mender-client to understand what is happening. You can also increase the verbosity of the logs by following this tutorial.

Hope it helps,

Hello @lramirez :slight_smile:

Tnx for the response. It was just as you said. After 20mins or so the process went from downloading to installation and then reboot. I taught that there would be some feedback on the server during the whole process. It was just my impatience and my poor download speed :sweat_smile:

Have a nice day!

Hi :slight_smile:

Is there maybe a way we can use the delta update instead of the whole system update for Jetson Linux?