Mender support for Jetson Orin Jetpack 5

Mender currently only supports Jetson Xavier, Jetpack 4.6 . Are there any plans with Nvidia to support next gen Orin, Jetpack 5.0.2+ ?
The current L4T 35.1 does not support image based updates but as Nvidia has stated it will be supported for the next release 35.2. Is this on Mender’s roadmap?

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Hi @Chrys,

We certainly are looking into it, but as there have been other changes too (specifically around UEFI), it’s not clear when and in which form there will be support. Do you have an immediate use case?


Hi Josef,

It is good that Mender team is looking into it.
We want to use Mender as the main deployment system for our Orin devices and this depends of course on both Mender catching up with Nvidia’s releases but also on Nvidia supporting image based updates.


Hi guys,

do you have news about mender with JetPack 5.1. Will it be possible to use mender?


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Hello @ssuesens,

In our integration with Jetson Linux from JetPack 4.6, we relied on utilities from Nvidia: nvbootctrl,, etc. and we wrapped them as part of a Mender Update Module. I think it should work out of the box, but we have not tried it yet. We also don’t have any Orin device at hand right now, but if there is any initiative from the community so far, we can help to troubleshoot if you face any issue.

Have a nice day!

are you sure that it can work, because from Jetpack 4.6 to 5.1 the boot process has changed. They now use UEFI instead of cboot. If you give me the layer, I will give it a try.


Hi @ssuesens,

the question is, are we talking about the OE4T-based stuff or NVidias Ubuntu-based platform.

  • the Ubuntu thing should probably still work to some extent, respectively should be possible to make work with some effort. We do not have Orin hardware around, but will assist anybody who wants to take up on the task.
  • the OE4T stuff is quite a bit more complicated, because NVidia are still busy themselves figuring out the mechanisms. We are supporting the community there as much as possible, but until NVidia upstream got their stuff sorted out there’s not much we can do, sadly. I would encourage you to on the OE4T discussion over there, maybe you can find some valueable information or help there.


Thanks for you reply. I’m in discussion with the OE4T community. In March the next nvidia release has the update function integrate, therefore I will wait on this release.

Hi @ssuesens , any update from the OE4T community and Mender when Mender can confirm Jetpack 5 / UEFI support?

Hi @sgree,

There is a PoC for AGX Orin by now. The development happens in this branch: GitHub - TheYoctoJester/meta-mender-community at oe4t-kirkstone-refactor and is discussed in this PR:


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