Mender and Boundary Devices to enable more embedded devices capable of over-the-air (OTA) updates | Mender

We are excited to have Boundary Devices LLC, a leading supplier of iMX-based single board computers and System-on-Modules (SoMs), partner with Mender to further accelerate the adoption of over-the-air (OTA) software updates in the connected embedded devices market.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Thank you for this update.

I am trying to follow the link at the bottom of the page (here) but it leads to a 404:

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Hi vrubiolo,
thank you for noticing this, the issue is now solved! If you want to know more about it or are curious and want a demo don’t hesitate to contact us at :smile:

All the best,
Valeria from the Mender team

Thanks @Valeria for the offer. I already have an account (and an onprem Mender install) so I am set for now, thanks!

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I’ll archive this topic as it was duplicated automatically when the URL was fixed