How to integrate Mender FOTA env to Renesas Cloud kit - CK-RX65N/CK-RA6M5

Dear members,

I would like to know how to integrate the Mender FOTA environment with the CK-RX65N/CK-RA6M5. I understand that Mender is one of Renesas’s partners, so I believe it is supported. I also plan to use the 1NCE service for cellular cloud connectivity.

Could you let me know how to proceed with the integration or related information?


Hi @shimizus,

The 1NCE integration is maintained and documented on their site: FOTA Management Plugin by Mender


Thank you for the information.

If you have information about the Renesas board (CK-RX65N/CK-RA6M5 or close to them) support for mender FOTA,
please let me know.


Hi @shimizus,

I’m not aware of any documentation concerning 1NCE on your specific board. I would suggest to ask them directly. Once you got the board working and their Mender integration set up, we can help with the OTA side of things.


thank you for your advice.

1NCE is Renesas Partner - 1NCE SIM Cards | Renesas

and already confirmed it works with the CK-RX65N.

Mender is also Partner - [RZ Family] Mender Over-The-Air (OTA) Software | Renesas

However, it’s RZ family.
So, I would like to know how to use Mender OTA on CK-RX65N cloud kit board.

Any information,advice would be highly appreciated.


Hi @shimizus,

Could you please provide more details about the development environment and the operating system installed on your Renseas Board?


Hi @ouski

Thank you for your help.

Zephyr OS would be good however, it might be difficult because of the board spec a little poor to use Zephyr OS.

I could confirm FreeRTOS/AzureRTOS works on the board for now from Renesas application document or related resource.

development tool is provided from Renesas and free tool (like gcc) might be use.


Hi @shimizus,

We’re currently working on supporting FreeRTOS, and we’ll definitely take your feedback into consideration regarding compatibility with the Renesas board.
