I’m trying to run a mender image build with yocto that will run docker containers.
I do not find in the doc how to achieve this and using docker-artifact-gen then uploading the mender artifact and deploying it leads to errors in logs because docker engine is not present.
I suppose it is a matter of adding the right meta-layer to the build but how can I find which one and where to point sources to?
Welcome to Mender hub. You will need the meta-virtualization layer as a start. I don’t know the exact configuration changes needed but the docs in that layer should help.
Thanks for the hints; I finally manage to make docker run on mender image. For memory and documentation, on top of above bblayers.conf, local.conf had following changes from default:
On which board do you run docker?
What is your kernel version?
What is your yocto version?
I am asking because I have it running without aufs. btrfs shouls works as well and on a recent version even ext4 I believe.
Do you plan to create docker images as well with yocto?
I run currently my setup on two flavors of orange-pi-pc boards, a genericx86-64 board and a qemux86-64.
It runs poky warrior 2.7.3 with Linux version 4.19.63.
current plan is to have edge devices to pull docker images from a private repo based upon docker update module. Not sure yet if it will be the right way to go…