How to deploy two updates in order


I have a situation where 1000 SD cards have been duplicated missing the dir-overlay update module. I need to make sure a dir-overlay patch happens as soon as the devices are booted.
How can I set this up in free UI? I am unsure how to do this.

Many thanks for all the help I have had in this group,


Hi @jjsteele,

To be very honest - this is exactly what the Enterprise tier is for. It has the dynamic groups feature, which will enable precisely that flow. It’s nice hearing that you are happy with Mender and are using it. We definitely believe that OSS is a big enabler for many great things!

But given the numbers that you have mentioned now and then, this is not a hobby project, but a commercial operation. We feel that providing value through features which facilitate exactly those commercial operations by saving time, cost, etc., are worth being recognised. If you would like to discuss this further, please get in touch with us.

Having said that, you should be able to create a custom flow with the OSS version also. The webhook integration can be used to trigger an action on device registration, from there you can make your way to a programmatic creation of a deployment through the API. Technically, it should work. If there are any pitfalls or scaling issues along the way I can’t tell, this is just shooting from the hip.


Does the Pro tier have this? We are on the Pro tier and I can’t seem to use this feature. The “Create a group” popup implies it’s Enterprise only…

@bssi you’re right, I confused the plan features, sorry. Thanks for the heads up, fixed the original post.


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Hi Josef,

Reading through the documentation, it seems that if I select, for example, 20 devices and deploy update 1 and then select the same 20 deveices and deploy update 2, the deployments will occur in the correct order.

Is this correct?


Hi @jjsteele,

The creation order of deployments will be preserved, yes. You can additionally add a provides-depends restriction, but it is technically not needed.



Thanks Josef.