I’m using a coral with yocto built with the meta-coral layer with our own software.
The system is running fine otherwise besides a freeze that happens after our software has been running for a few minutes.
We are getting the following kernel messages on the screen right as the system freeze happens:
buck3: failed to disable imx8m_gpc_pm_domain gpc_power_domain@4: failed to power off the reg-110
buck3: failed to disable cpu cpu0: failed to scale dc_reg up: -11 imx8m_gpc_pm_domain gpc_power_domain@4 : failed to power off the reg-11 cpufreq: __target_index: Failed to change cpu frequency: -11
These appear to have something to do with the power management of the system. Could it be, that some flag is not set when the kernel is being compiled. The only change I’ve made so far to the kernel configuration is enabling hidraw, as we need that with our software.
The program is taxing multiple threads whenever the freeze happens, so that would lead me to believe that the issue was power / frequency related.