Mender not building with yocto due to issues with u-boot

Good evening,

I have a jetson xavier agx and was able to build the tegra-demo-distro with scarthgap (LT35.5.0) without problems, with these layers:

  /home/yocto/yocto-tegra/tegra-demo-distro/layers/meta \
  /home/yocto/yocto-tegra/tegra-demo-distro/layers/meta-tegra \
  /home/yocto/yocto-tegra/tegra-demo-distro/layers/meta-oe \
  /home/yocto/yocto-tegra/tegra-demo-distro/layers/meta-python \
  /home/yocto/yocto-tegra/tegra-demo-distro/layers/meta-networking \
  /home/yocto/yocto-tegra/tegra-demo-distro/layers/meta-filesystems \
  /home/yocto/yocto-tegra/tegra-demo-distro/layers/meta-virtualization \
  /home/yocto/yocto-tegra/tegra-demo-distro/layers/meta-tegra-community \
  /home/yocto/yocto-tegra/tegra-demo-distro/layers/meta-tegra-support \
  /home/yocto/yocto-tegra/tegra-demo-distro/layers/meta-demo-ci \
  /home/yocto/yocto-tegra/tegra-demo-distro/layers/meta-tegrademo \

When I then add the mender-core and -demo layer I get this error:

NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'u-boot'
u-boot was skipped: Either UBOOT_MACHINE or UBOOT_CONFIG must be set in the jetson-agx-xavier-devkit machine configuration.
ERROR: Required build target 'core-image-minimal' has no buildable providers.
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['core-image-minimal', 'u-boot']

I think the reason is this: mender-setup-grub

If I then add MENDER_EFI_LOADER = "" to the conf/local.conf the build starts but at the very end fails with the following error:

| DEBUG: Executing dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/yocto/yocto-tegra/tegra-demo-distro/build/tmp/work/jetson_agx_xavier_devkit-oe4t-linux/tegra-espimage/1.0/deploy-tegra-espimage-image-complete/tegra-espimage-jetson-agx-xavier-devkit-20240823205838.esp seek=65536 count=0 bs=1024
| 0+0 records in
| 0+0 records out
| 0 bytes copied, 6.2206e-05 s, 0.0 kB/s
| DEBUG: Actual Rootfs size:  4 /home/yocto/yocto-tegra/tegra-demo-distro/build/tmp/work/jetson_agx_xavier_devkit-oe4t-linux/tegra-espimage/1.0/rootfs.image_esp
| DEBUG: Actual Partition size: 67108864
| DEBUG: Executing mkfs.vfat -F 32 -I  /home/yocto/yocto-tegra/tegra-demo-distro/build/tmp/work/jetson_agx_xavier_devkit-oe4t-linux/tegra-espimage/1.0/deploy-tegra-espimage-image-complete/tegra-espimage-jetson-agx-xavier-devkit-20240823205838.esp
| mkfs.fat 4.2 (2021-01-31)
| /home/yocto/yocto-tegra/tegra-demo-distro/build/tmp/work/jetson_agx_xavier_devkit-oe4t-linux/tegra-espimage/1.0/rootfs.image_esp/*: No such file or directory
| WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
ERROR: Task (/home/yocto/yocto-tegra/tegra-demo-distro/layers/meta-tegra/recipes-bsp/uefi/ failed with exit code '1'

I am using the INHERIT += "mender-full" option.

What I am doing wrong?

Hello @y1thu,

I recommend you to follow meta-mender-community/meta-mender-tegra/meta-mender-tegra-jetpack5 at kirkstone · mendersoftware/meta-mender-community · GitHub instead.

In the KAS’s yaml file you can see we actually remove it as these devices don’t use u-boot in here:

MENDER_FEATURES_DISABLE:append = " mender-uboot"

Try adding this line in your local.conf, if it doesn’t work, please try following the README file from the repository instead.


Dear Luis,

I added this line to the layer.conf:

MENDER_FEATURES_DISABLE:append = " mender-uboot"

but still the same error message:

ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'u-boot' (but /home/yocto/git/yocto-heraeus/layers/meta/recipes-bsp/grub/, /home/yocto/git/yocto-heraeus/layers/meta-mender-core/recipes-bsp/grub/ DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)
u-boot was skipped: Either UBOOT_MACHINE or UBOOT_CONFIG must be set in the jetson-agx-xavier-devkit machine configuration.
NOTE: Runtime target 'grub-efi' is unbuildable, removing...
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['grub-efi', 'u-boot']
ERROR: Required build target 'heraeus-ai-image' has no buildable providers.
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['heraeus-ai-image', 'tegra-espimage', 'grub-efi', 'u-boot']

Now I am building using the kas.yaml from here as suggested.
However this is for kirkstone. Do you have a modification that works with meta-tegra scarthgap-l4t-r35.x ?

Hello @lramirez ,

I did compile according to but the NVidia Jetson fails in the boot process with systemd-gpt-auto-generator: EFI loader partition unknown .

Also when building with yocto I normally obtain *rootfs.tegraflash.tar.gz however with kas the rootfs part is missing.

Can you maybe advice?

What artifacts are being produced? I’m curious if you are building the image suitable for the storage device you are using.

@lramirez not sure exactly what you mean. I just cloned the repo and used kas build kas/jetson-agx-xavier-devkit.yml, so essentially using the standards.

These are the standard settings in the other yaml’s:
IMAGE_FSTYPES:tegra = “tegraflash mender dataimg”

Also this is specified:
MENDER_FEATURES_ENABLE:append = " mender-growfs-data"

perhaps I need to change to something along these lines:

Mender partition settings


Or can you comment what to use to flask the tar.gz? I am using this: ./

I just saw that there is since last week a scarthgap meta-mender-community version. I am testing this one now but also failing, see this pull request: scarthgap-l4t-r35.x kas build errors by tjhgit · Pull Request #403 · mendersoftware/meta-mender-community · GitHub

@lramirez any help with this? I progressed a lot meanwhile. Not I am stuck again. Why does A/B boot not work properly … See the pull request: scarthgap-l4t-r35.x kas build errors by tjhgit · Pull Request #403 · mendersoftware/meta-mender-community · GitHub

Hello @y1thu,

Quick question, does this PRs fix your problem or after applying them are you still stuck?


@lramirez as mentioned in my own PR, the problem is the A/B boot not working properly. Not sure how to install the nvbootctrl from NVidia in yocto or whether this is not needed.

This is the problem

root@jetson-agx-xavier-devkit:~# fw_printenv
ERR: could not identify current boot slot

And after changing the slot from 2 and back to 1 it hangs in EFI.

@lramirez , this issue with the slots also prevents yocto updates. See the logs of mender cloud instance after trying an update:

2024-09-05 17:37:24.541 +0000 UTC info: Running Mender client 4.0.4
2024-09-05 17:37:24.543 +0000 UTC info: Deployment with ID 1d1d43fa-ddd6-4ac5-abb0-0a857d50b055 started.
2024-09-05 17:37:24.549 +0000 UTC info: Sending status update to server
2024-09-05 17:37:25.342 +0000 UTC info: Installing artifact...
2024-09-05 17:37:25.568 +0000 UTC info: Update Module output (stderr): ERR: could not identify current boot slot
2024-09-05 17:37:25.57 +0000 UTC info: Update Module output (stderr): /usr/share/mender/modules/v3/rootfs-image: line 96: test: UNKNOWN: integer expression expected
2024-09-05 17:37:25.596 +0000 UTC info: Update Module output (stderr): Mounted root does not match boot loader environment (/dev/mmcblk0p2)!
2024-09-05 17:37:25.597 +0000 UTC error: Process returned non-zero exit status: Download: Update Module returned non-zero status: Process exited with status 1
2024-09-05 17:37:25.626 +0000 UTC info: Sending status update to server