Can't update OTA for Orange pi when i build host server

when i deploy to orange pi device it says devices pending error while the device has been accepted, under device client it says no OTA update version, i tried deleting artifact img on server and reloading but still gets error then i check mender-update check-update it shows error that there is no permission to open file, i have changed a lot of permissions but still not working.

any guide is helpful, thanks.

Hi @levantung,

That looks really wrong. Most of these files require some form of persistence. So where are they actually located? Is /var/lib/mender a symlink to /data as in the standard setup?
Respectively, do you want to “only” use the client without root filesystem updates for now? If so, how did you install it?


I tested with and installed according to the instructions in mender doc but still reported the same error. The client connected to the server after creating the deploy version and reported skip. Check mender-update check-update and saw the same log. and check /var/lib/mender is not linking to /data/mender (no path /data/mender found)

@TheYoctoJester pls help me check it