BeagleBone-black Yocto project start

Hello everyone,

I am a beginner just starting with Yocto and Mender, and I would like to know how I can run the Yocto Project and Mender on my BeagleBone Black. Is there any updated documentation I can refer to? How can I flash the Yocto Project onto the BeagleBone Black and boot the system via a microSD card?

Thank you!

Hi @allisyuxianshen,

Thanks for reaching out!

To get started, the easiest way is to set up a Yocto build based on the tested configurations which are provided in meta-mender-community:

Both use kas as the tool to build them, you can find a tutorial on how to get started it at Using kas to reproduce your Yocto builds.

Please note that the canonical way for Yocto is to build your image from source, not downloading a prepared one, so the above mentioned process will require quite a bit of computing time.


Hi @TheYoctoJester
So, do I need to run sudo pip install kas in my Linux environment, then import beaglebone-uboot.yml or beaglebone.yml , and finally build it?

Hi @allisyuxianshen,

Umm no, that’s why I actually linked to the tutorial that explains how to use kas: Using kas to reproduce your Yocto builds

In a nutshell:

  1. make sure your development host fulfills the requisites for building Yocto, as descibed here: Yocto Project Quick Build — The Yocto Project ® 5.1.999 documentation
  2. sudo pip install kas
  3. git clone
  4. cd meta-mender-community
  5. mkdir my-beaglebone && cd my-beaglebone
  6. kas build ../kas/beaglebone.yml
  7. (wait a couple of hours)
  8. flash the .sdimg/.uefiimg in build/tmp/deploy/images/beaglebone-yocto to your SD card

But that really glosses over a lot of detail, so you’re strongly encouraged to also read up on Yocto as a whole, we have a lot of tutorials on that too.
