AWS IoT Core Integration doesn't deploy certificates

Hey Mender support and community

I would like some help with AWS IoT Core integration.

Right now Mender Server can create a thing on AWS IoT Core and have the correct policy.
I can also sync Mender web portal “Device Shadow” color to AWS IoT Core.

I can see the certificate, policy and shadow is correctly synced on AWS portal.

The problem I’m having is on the mender-configure client side.
I don’t see any keys or certificates are being downloaded in “/var/lib/mender-configure/device-config.json” whenever the device is dismissed and re-accepted in Mender. Is that a good trigger for AWS Thing certificate to be created and downloaded?

Is there a way to introspect the logs if mender server actually sends the certificates to the client or attempt to retrieve it from AWS IoT Core?
Or what am I missing here?

I’m more leaning that the Server doesn’t send key/certificate to the device upon accepted pending device for some reason.
and I’m not sure why or how to see logs or debug that.

Can you give me some pointers for how to troubleshoot this problem?