Unable to successfully install mender-client on lubuntu


I am following the instructions for installing mender-client as per the following link :

I have also followed the instructions that guides to install the client using the apt repository:

How ever I am facing the following issue :

I am not sure about this error. I wish to install this on a system running lubuntu version 20.04.6 LTS (Focal Fossa).

Any help on this would be appreciated.Thanks!

Hello @Utsav_Shah,

Which exact commands are you running to end up in this situation?

Using Ubuntu Focal and following exactly the guide that you linked to it works for me.

However if after setting up the repository I do:

  • apt-get install mender-auth
  • and then apt-get install mender-client

I get the same error that you have. This is a known issue when downgrading from mender-auth (a component from mender-client4) to mender-client (legacy client).

Please install one or the other :slight_smile: