Styhead support - Yocto 5.1

Hi, @kacf
Will there be support for styhead in master-next for Mender?
I see many recipes breaking due to WOKRDIR change transition guide/notes , including licensing checksum checks.


Hi @jainvikas8,

There might or might not be a master branch which builds on styhead, it comes down to a) contributions that make it work, and b) me finding time to set it up and run test builds.

From a product perspective, as styhead is not an LTS release, there will not be an officially supported version or branch for it.


Thanks for the reply.

If there are contributions for styhead or future non-LTS releases, should that be raised against master-next ?

@jainvikas8 yes please. I think master-next is currently not updated, I’ll try to get that done and ping you then, okay?


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Just a generic question, how frequently the master is synced with master-next? Does this only happen every LTS release or non-LTS release or master-next is stable enough?

I see, master-next has not been updated for quite a while.

Any update on this, please? Should we use master instead of master-next temporarily?

Hi @jainvikas8,

Just a few days after your last post I started working on it, and actually we have hit a somewhat ugly bug during the process. Hopefully we can fix and push it soon, but I don’t have a timeline yet, really sorry about that.


Any update, please? We are currently working on patches to make meta-mender scarthgap compatible with styhead. So if we know which branch we can use, then we can start rebasing to it.


Hi @jainvikas8,

My current state of work is at GitHub - TheYoctoJester/meta-mender at master-next. It didn’t pass (or even run) full validation, but manual testing on styhead was positive, so feel free to work from that in the meantime.

We need to figure out a build breakage with boost 1.87 before it can be pushed back to the main repository, unfortunately.


We ran into boost problem, therefore downgraded it to 1.86. Should we consider this a temporary workaround for master-next (merge to github repo) until it is fixed for main?

Hi @jainvikas8,

As styhead is on boost 1.86, no workarounds are directly needed as I understand it. 1.87 is in walnascar, which is the current development branch and I think it will be sorted out until it is released.
