Raspberry Pi OS 64 Bit conversion


I’ve tried to do a conversion of a vanilla 2022.01 Raspberry Pi OS 64bit image directly from the raspberry pi foundation and had no success. The only thing I changed in the config files was in raspberrypi4_config to have RASPBERRYPI_KERNEL_IMAGE="kernel8.img" as that is the 64 bit kernel, and it failed to actually boot past the rainbow splash screen. Mender-config did not throw any errors. Ideas?

This Is prbably due the fact that the u-boot image installed is compiled as 32bit binary which in turn expects to load a 32 bit kernel.

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FYI: We will start looking into this in the near future:

Here is the (not yet broken down) epic if you guys are curious


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Hi @oleorhagen ,

I’m currently having issues converting a 64bit ubuntu for RaspberryPi. Is there any update on this topic? Is a 64bit conversion currently possible/supported by mender-convert?

Thanks and best regards

We had the same issue and also wanted to be able to update firmware files, which, unfortunately is not possible with the existing OTA strategy. As a result, we ended up developing our own solution using the new tryboot feature of Raspberry Pi’s boot loader. We integrated our solution into Mender with a custom update module and it seems to work quite well. We still need to do some further testing, though.

We also made the system’s core open-source, if you want to check it out: Home | Rugpi

If you are interested in our Mender integration, just drop me a message (koehl@silitics.com). I am happy to share the details and send you the update module.

hi koehlma,

I’m interested on your integration.Could you please send the update module?

Thanks and best regards

Hi koehlma,

I’m interested in your Mender integration.Could you please send me the update module?

Thanks and best regards

I realized that private messages have apparently been disabled in this forum after posting. Can you please send me an email, so I can reach out to you. My email address is koehl@silitics.com.

Hello guys!
I have the exactly same problem with the 64-bit raspbery image. The service that I intented to use supports only 64-bit environment so I can not move to 32-bit version of the raspbian.
Can you please help me how can I use the mender-convert tool to with 64-bit version of raspbian?

Thank you for your reply!

Hello @durnek60 currently we do not support the 64-bit version.

Support is planned though, but there is no clear timeline as of yet.

Is there any update on support for 64-bit versions?

Hi @brandonwheat,

I do have a working proof of concept by now, but still figuring out the rough edges. Hopefully I can put it out in the upcoming days.


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Great to hear, please let me know when it will be available!


Any update or rough timeline for 64-bit support?


@chris_wd unfortunately not yet, you can find my current state of “work including binaries” at GitHub - TheYoctoJester/mender-convert at rpi_debian_64bit_with_binaries. There are a number of moving parts involved, and as we want to keep things usable for pre-bookworm releases too, its not exactly becoming easier :frowning:


Will it be possible to upgrade from a 32-bit image to a 64-bit image over the air using mender-convert?

Hi @davidlekve,

The bit width is set very early through the RPi-specific first stage loader in conjunction with config.txt, and u-boot already needs to be in the correct type. All of this happens earlier in the boot process than Menders A/B logic.

While you technically can do it still by adding scripts to replace those files, it makes the process quite fragile and introduces numerous single points of failure, so it is highly discouraged.


Hi Josef, I am currently working on a new project that will use 64bit Bookworm. Is this supported yet?



Hi @jjsteele,

It should work out of the box now: mender-convert/configs/raspberrypi/uboot/debian/raspberrypi4_bookworm_64bit_config at master · mendersoftware/mender-convert · GitHub


Thanks Josef,
Does it work with the Raspberry Pi 5 as well?
