It looks like the mender-ci-tools container (pull just now) cannot talk to the hosted mender server:
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) mendersoftware/mender-ci-tools:master mender-cli --server https://eu.hosted.mender.io --token-value $MENDER_PUBLIC_TOKEN devices list
Configuration file not found. Continuing.
FAILURE: Get https://eu.hosted.mender.io/api/management/v2/devauth/devices request failed: Get "https://eu.hosted.mender.io/api/management/v2/devauth/devices": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
If I add -k
(insecure), it works.
Any chance the container image can be updated to something newer supporting at least the certificates used by hosted mender instances?