Multiple images with same MENDER_ARTIFACT_NAME


We are currently doing changes to our BSP, these changes are purely on a hardware level, and we want to install the same image on these devices.

After reading some posts on this forum I get the impression that we can build two different artifacts, one for each BSP (and thus different device type) but with the same image, and keep the MENDER_ARTIFACT_NAME the same. Then we should be able to upload these two artifact to Mender, and the web UI should show it as 1 release. Forum posts I’m basing this on:

Is this supposed to work as I think it is?

I.e. we can upload several images with the same artifact name as long as the device type and actual file name is different, Mender will treat it as one Release in the web UI, and install the correct image based on the device type when doing a OTA update.

The problem we are seeing with this is that I get the following error in the web UI when trying to access this release from the Releases tab:

Hi @mwestgaard,

Yes, it works exactly as you expect. What your screenshot is showing is actually an unrelated bug concerning accessing uploaded releases. It already has a fix in the pipeline, but no timeline that I can commit to yet, sorry.

I’ll keep you posted once I learn something new on this.


Thanks @TheYoctoJester!
Then we will ignore this error for now.