Missing the "Reject or decommission this device?" option under the device identity section

We have an accepted device. Inside the device identity section under the device pull down information, there is no clickable “Reject or decommission this device?” option.

How to decommission this device?


Hi @kristenlin,

The “decommission device” button is in the section on authorization state of the device, see:

Is it not there for you?


Thank you for your reply, Josef.

Our case does not have the warning message. Everything looks the same as other functional devices except the last heartbeat was days ago. That is why we want to decommission it.

We tried restart the mender server and it doesn’t bring the decommission button back on this device.


Hi @kristenlin,

Yeah the warning is because I picked one of my mostly unused testing devices. Can you be a little more precise?

  • is the button just not there for that one device, or for none at all?
  • is this Hosted Mender, or an on-premise/OSS instance? If so, which version?


Thank you, Josef.

-The button is not there just for that device. Other devices have the button.
-We have mender_client_version 1.7.0.

The button with missing decommission has the last heartbeat on 11-07-22. We want to replace it but can’t decommission it.

Is there any command line for decommission a device on the server side?


Hi @kristenlin,

Just as a side note, client 1.7.0 is extremely outdated, so upgrading would be advisable.
For the problem, is this on hosted Mender? In that case we can try to investigate, if you can provide the device id.


@kristenlin that button will not be shown for pending or preauthorized devices so in order to fully decommission the device you would have to first accept or reject any pending auth request that’s listed in the UI and once that’s done it should be possible to completely decommission the device.

Thank you for your suggestion, Josef.
We will look into the server upgrade.

Thank you! It works.
We found a pending device for the same mac address. After reject the pending one, we are able to see the options (decommission or reject) on the original device. We should decommission the device first before we switch the SD card.

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Hi @kristenlin,

thanks for sharing the findings. I take it that we can mark that as the solution then?
