TL;DR How to change mender device configure using API ?
I am trying to write a script to post a device configuation update via a script.
Chaining config in the UI works
So I do this (with JWT headers etc)
PUT https://{menderserver}/api/management/v1//configurations/device/{device_id}
body : { a:b }
That works server end
When I pull
GET https://{menderserver}/api/management/v1/deviceconfig/configurations/device/{device_id}
It return something like:
“id”: “{device_id}”,
“configured”: { “a”:“b” }
“reported”: {“old”:“config”}
“deployment_id”: {old depolyment id from UI}",
“updated_ts”: “2024-12-10T11:45:41.655Z”,
“reported_ts”: “2024-12-10T11:45:45.559Z”
But I doesn’t create a new deployment.
Should I be trying to make PUT https://mender.cellink.dev/api/management/v1/deployments/deployments
whenever I try this is seem to be annoyed with me for no artffacts
However this seems to be another internal API for the UI
deployments/tests/tests/test_configuration_deployments.py at 167e338b9004cf824b5c982092ee279cf6c616e3 · mendersoftware/deployments · GitHub
What should I do?