Mender production Server not able to ping


We have been trying to install mender production server in my PC with my custom storage proxy domain name. It is success with no error.

But when we try to ping or open the server in Web UI. It response server not found.

Below is the ./run ps output

             Name                                Command                  State               Ports         

menderproduction_mender-api-gateway_1 / Up>443/tcp
menderproduction_mender-conductor_1 /srv/ Up 8080/tcp, 8090/tcp
menderproduction_mender-deployments_1 / --config /e … Up 8080/tcp
menderproduction_mender-device-auth_1 /usr/bin/deviceauth --conf … Up 8080/tcp
menderproduction_mender-elasticsearch_1 / elas … Up 9200/tcp, 9300/tcp
menderproduction_mender-gui_1 / nginx Up 80/tcp
menderproduction_mender-inventory_1 /usr/bin/inventory --confi … Up 8080/tcp
menderproduction_mender-mongo_1 mongod Up 27017/tcp
menderproduction_mender-redis_1 /redis/ Up 6379/tcp
menderproduction_mender-useradm_1 /usr/bin/useradm --config … Up 8080/tcp
menderproduction_minio_1 /usr/bin/docker-entrypoint … Up (healthy) 9000/tcp
menderproduction_storage-proxy_1 /usr/local/openresty/bin/o … Up>9000/tcp

Please help me resolve this issue.

Thank you,

are you pinging it via its IP address or Domain name?
is this a local pc on LAN of a cloud server?

I am pinging it using the domain name

It is the PC in which the mender server is running

given that you are trying to ping the domain name, have you added to your dns server records? or if just testing locally added a local lookup to your PC’s operating system? i.e. on linux at an entry to your /etc/hosts file.

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Yes, now am able to get after adding to /etc/hosts.

But one doubt, Please help out…same Domain name trying from mobile which is connected to the mobile network and not able to get the server login page in mobile.

Is the demo application server for production only intended for transfer of files to the device connected locally ?

If so what are the changes i need to do to configure it as mobile use case

The issue’s you are experiencing are not mender server related, they are standard networking related. is a made up domain name and not registered globally, so you wont be able to access it everywhere on your local network until you add it to your local dns server whether thats a standalone server a service running on your router. And you wont be able to access it from the internet without further networking complicated workarounds, port forwarding etc. But this shouldn’t be needed for just testing a demo server.

Adding it to /etc/hosts is a quick way to test to make it work for that PC only. Your mobile phone connected to you mobile network is not connected to your local network unless you are running a vpn service on your phone running over that network to connect to your office/home network.

When you roll out to production, you usually install the server on a cloud platform, or server that has a public IP address and a purchased/registered domain name. Then as its publicly available you will be able to connect to it from any device on any network that has access to the internet.

Thank you @dellgreen for the support.

Is it possible to access it through public IP, instead of Domain name

yes but bear in mind that, you will run into issues relating to your http SSL certificates which will contain the domain name. In a browser you will get a warning and have to except the warning and continue. When using SSL certificates the domain in the certificate and the http request must match in my experience (I am not a security expert)

The mender client that connects to the server will also have issues as the certificate will be invalid for IP only. I believe there are other discussions on this forum about http only mode, but its not something I have done or would recommend over a public network/internet.