Mender docs (and experimentation and a brief inspection of the code) that there can be only one signature on an artifact. While this is minimally sufficient it makes key rollover messy at best. Or am I missing something? I couldn’t find anything that described how to roll / replace / update signing keys.
I did come up with this approach but it has problems due to artifact file format rigidity / versioning issues.
GIVEN a mender file format that allows multiple manifest.sig elements, including the client (installer) modified such that if any one manifest.sig (rather than the exactly one) verifies using the public key provided in ArtifactVerifyKey then the artifact is considerd valid
WHEN a mender artifact that contains a mender.conf with a new ArtifactVerifyKey is signed with all previously used (private) keys AND the new (private) key
THEN the artifact would be accepted as validated by a client with any of the previously used private keys as the value of ArtifactVerifyKey and so perform an update
AND THEN the updated client would now only accept artifacts signed with (at least) the new key.
This allows both simple key rotation and key upgrades (including to new algorithms) without breaking backwards compatibility EXCEPT that the mender artifact file format lacks non-breaking extensibility.
So this change would need a new artifact format / break existing clients…
Related to (see my comment there)