Hi, we have mender running on imx6ull with only 512M ram and rom.
I would like to understand the memory used by Mender (flash and ram) to make sure we dont have any looming issues.
1> %VSZ reports 170% (log below) usage while free -m reports we are system is using half available. Should I be concerned over this figure?
2> How can I check the total size of the mender usage in flash? I.E when Mender holds the two A/B images during or after update process? This is to check and we wont hit memory issues for future updates - our mender images are <100M but I know its compressed.
1263 2 root IW 0 0% 0% [kworker/0:0]
205 1 root S 844m 170% 0% /usr/bin/mender -daemon
341 1 polkitd S 232m 47% 0% /usr/lib/polkit-1/polkitd --no-debug