Is Mutual TLS available in docker Demo Server?

Hi everyone,

I am new in Mender and try to test the mender mTLS feature with local hosted server. I saw that there is a demo server available in “demo installation”.

My question is, does the demo server support mTLS feature? Or I must follow the production installation to host a server which supports mTLS?

Thanks for reading and answering my questions!

Hi @shaomai,

Thanks a lot for your interest! Technically the demo installation can use the mTLS ambassador. However this is an enterprise feature at additional cost, so running the ambassador is only possible for users that are on the Enterprise plan. If you are evaluating for such use cases, please get in touch with the team.


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Hi @TheYoctoJester ,

thanks for the reply. I will contact the support team to get credentials for ambassador :slight_smile:

Best regards

Hi @TheYoctoJester ,

I contacted the support team and now I am waiting for the reply :wink:

I have a questing regarding using mTLS in demo server:

Is running ./demo up enough to enable mTLS in demo server or do I need to do some configurations?

I tried to include docker-compose.enterprise.yml while starting the demo server, but I don’t have the access to the autditlogs mender repo:

Head “”: no basic auth credentials
Failed to start docker compose

Marking this as solved as handled by the support team.