Integrations: Add more than one Webhook

We would like to configure more than one Webhook integration, but it seems it is limited to only one.

At the time of writing, when I go to the Integrations page, I see a list of Webhooks, which include the only one configured and no possibility to add others (no buttons, no integration type selection).

Hi @wandering-tales,

Multiple webhooks for a user/organization are not supported. If required, you need to set up user side multiplexing.


Thanks @TheYoctoJester . Not really needed in our particular use case, but I’ll take a note for the time being.

However, I would update the Server integration documentation section to clarify what , just to avoid further misunderstanding, as I fear it’s not a specific issue with Webhooks, but rather on any type integration, which might be a worse limitation.

I may open a PR in the mender-docs repo when I find some time.


I missed some Mender stickers at last FOSDEM :face_holding_back_tears: . Where can I get some :grin: ?

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For stickers - any one of your colleagues attending Embedded World, Nürnberg in early April, by any chance?


I guess there’s no chance :sob:

We’ll make it work :slightly_smiling_face:

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