I couldn’t wait and gave it a try :]
Got a backup of current SSL certificate folder and recreate the new ones by using:
CERT_API_CN=mender.myurl.com.foo CERT_STORAGE_CN=mender.myurl.com.foo ../keygen
And also updated prod conf file:
ALLOWED_HOSTS: mender.myurl.com.foo
DEPLOYMENTS_AWS_URI: https://mender.myurl.com.foo
Then copied related certificates to the client, decommissioned, and re-authorized it back again. However, now I’m getting another error on the client side;
time=“2021-05-04T16:40:47+03:00” level=error msg=“Update check
failed: transient error: (request_id: ): Invalid response received from server server error message: fai
led to parse server response: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field .error of type string”
Client can successfully send inventory info.