Google Repo

To simplify fetching sources and setting up the Yocto build environment we have decided to use the Google repo tool, which allows fetching sources from multiple location in a single command based on manifest files (xml).

Google repo is widely used within the Yocto community and we have simply adopted the “best practice” for Mender integrations.

The following is a one time installation of Google repo.

Create directory for repo

mkdir ${HOME}/bin

Fetch the repo script

curl > ${HOME}/bin/repo

Set the executable bit

chmod a+x ${HOME}/bin/repo

You should also add the following to your .bashrc or equivalent, for convenience.



Git user configuration

The repo tool is a wrapper for git and it will print out an error if you have not setup your git identity. You can do this by simply running:

git config --global ""
git config --global "Your Name"

This will store the configuration globally ($HOME/.gitconfig) and is only required to setup once.

missing python

The repo tool depends on availability of python on the system, e.g Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS comes with python3 installed by default but not python; to install:

sudo apt install -y python

git color

It is also useful setting your git color preference, which avoids having git ask for your preference when running repo for the first time:

git config --global color.ui false
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When source controlling a project with repo - what is the best practice for .gitignore with .repo? Running into file size issues when attempting to source control .repo/project-objects

Hi @tiny-dancer,

usually anything .repo is just completely ignored in git. Having said that, unless you have specific needs to stick with repo, check out the kas utility which is usually a better fit for managing Yocto builds. We will actively support it in the near future.


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