I’m trying to generate the artifact file but the command is not working.
spider@D:~$ sudo mender-artifact write directory -n myartifact -t Debian -o myartifact.mender --directory /home/spider/myartifact --script ArtifactReboot_Enter_033_index-html.sh
Failed to write the rootfs-image.checksum
to the artifact: Failed to generate the checksum for the payload
Please give me the relevent solution.
I’m using this command to pack a single binary in my CI/CD.
export APP_NAME=testapp # Is defined in package.json
export APP_VERSION=1.0.1
export DEVICE_TYPE=RadxaZeroV1.51
export MENDER_SERVER_URI="https://eu.hosted.mender.io"
mender-artifact write module-image \
Later it will be pushed to the server
mender-cli artifacts upload \
--token-value $MENDER_TOKEN \
--description 'Packaged from GitLab CI/CD' \
With that pipeline I can push my nodejs app to my SBC and install it.
Maybe check the file permissions with ls -lah /home/spider/myartifact