Custom Mender client - signed download URL

In Step 4 - Download deployment, how to download the mender artifact of an signed URL?

Wtheher to add the above content considering sample usage integrality?

Hi @Jiwangreal,

Can you please elaborate what you mean by “signed URL”? The communication is HTTPS-based to ensure authentication, hence the URL in itself is validated. If you are referring to the artifact being signed, this is completely handled client side after download.


The “signed URL” , I understand, is a full path that could be downloaded directly.

The file path which is a artifact path couled be downloaded via wget command or curl command.

After downloading the artifact, I found its a compressing package actually which contain some files like manifest and so on.

Actually, what I’m trying to say is downloading position testing mender-client of Qemo demo is different from using wget command to download. For the former, mender-client could do more jobs to place the uploading the package to predefined location.

The part of contend might have confused me during operating. Other parts contend is awesome.