Update Python files and build Docker container

I’m trying to understand what’s the best way to use Mender to update a Docker image.

Basically, the image is built with a single command line from the terminal and it runs a Python application.

I would like to be able to update the Python source files when needed and rebuild the image (and delete the old container/images and run the new one if possible).

I know that’s that chance to download a new Docker image with the Docker update module on Mender but, it’s not the solution I’m looking for as, I would like to build the image directly on my Rasp

It sounds to me like writing your own update module is the way to go here.

I would highly recommend giving it a try, it’s really pretty straight forward, and gives you great flexibility.

Also, when done, if you think it’s well made, and useful, you can add it to our community contributed update modules, here


Feel free to reach out if you get into trouble.

As soon as all the operations I need can be performed with a script (basically all the operations are commands on the console) I should be able to use the Script - Update Module, shouldn’t I?

You can :slight_smile:

Most definitely possible.

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