[ Topic Template - Debian family ]

NOTE! This has the same content which is presented when you press the “+ New Topic” button, but we store this here for traceability. All updates to this topic must be pushed to “Debian family” -> “Edit” -> “Topic Template” as well. That is the raw markdown content. END NOTE


The images below come with Mender integrated and support robust system updates.

TODO: Update the table below with the Mender integrated images.

Release with Mender Size on storage Size for download Source image Test result
Raspbian Stretch Lite 2019-04-08 7.9 GB 367 MB 2019-04-08-raspbian-stretch-lite.zip :test_works:
Raspbian Buster Lite 2019-06-20 7.9 GB 294 MB 2019-06-20-raspbian-buster-lite.zip :test_workaround: 1

TODO: Name the Release images consistently:

  • Image should be compressed by the same format as the source image providers, so their instructions are compatible (e.g. .zip for Raspbian).
  • The image name should be the same as the original, except “-mender” is prefixed before the file format suffix. E.g. “2019-04-08-raspbian-stretch-lite-mender.zip”


Once you have downloaded an image, the installation and system configuration is exactly the same process as for the source image.

Follow the TODO board getting started guide, but use the Release with Mender image above instead of downloading images from the guide.

TODO: Update link above

Get started with Mender

After your device is up and running with network, follow the instructions in the Mender get started tutorial to connect to a Mender server and start deploying updates.

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