Problem booting Raspberry Pi OS with Mender integrated

I flashed a 16GB SD card with Mender-integrated Raspberry Pi OS. I am using a Raspberry Pi B+. But while booting, a rainbow screen appears and would not continue further.

I have tried flashing the OS image from BalenaEtcher and Raspberry Pi Imager tools. Both result the same. Can anybody help me?

I flashed a 16GB SD card with Mender-integrated Raspberry Pi OS

Which image exactly are you trying to flash? Did you download out from our resource or did you build it your self?

I am using a Raspberry Pi B+

We only have images for Raspberry Pi 3 & 4.


I downloaded the image from here. Its the same image that you linked.

I’m facing the same issue! Any chance you found a solution?

+1 for me. Any update or solution?

That usually means there is some issue at the bootloader level. Can you use a serial adapter and share a console log?


In my case it was dtoverlay=disable-bt in the boot config file causing this issue.