We are going to have to change from Raspberry Pi CM4 to Orange Pi CM4 and wondered if anyone had investigated this board?
Unlike the Raspberry Pi version, Debian on Orange Pi uses u-boot as standard.
Any information you have would be greatly received.
Hi @jjsteele,
Presuming that you want to stick with a Debianoid, the process is roughly:
- create a
configuration, probably based off the RPi one.
- prepare a patched version of their
. You can use the RPi one at GitHub - mendersoftware/uboot-mender at mender-rpi-2024.04 as reference
- create the
binary, environment tools and corresponding configuration files, and provide them to the mender-convert
config, usually through the assets directory.
Hope this helps,
Thanks Josef,
Probably a couple of weeks before the Golden image is ready for conversion. I’ll let you know how it goes.
The current version on Raspberry Pi CM4 is approaching 10,000 units!