NanoPi Neo2 Porting Mender to Openwrt

Given unreliable mender startup; solved (hope) by this:

create device key, your script
install and start mender (still stops, first run)
do a buncha time consuming package install / config
restart mender (this time, stays running)

I still get the same lastlog entry as above, mender first run, then stop, despite key existence


I still get the same lastlog entry as above, mender first run, then stop, despite key existence

Hm, this is not something that we have seen before so hard to comment. Could be something procd related.

Can you try running the the client “manually” from a terminal on first boot, e.g

mender -daemon -debug

And if still exits without any clear error maybe try running strace on it.

Thanks @rossbcan and @mirzak for all your work, the discussion and insight this thread has provided. Its really helpful as addition to the formal documentation to the post too. I am also trying to achieve something similar. I just wanted to ask if you had any update? Interested to hear after there seemed to be such momentum built!

Hi @beruti,

I just wanted to highlight that we have an updated post which is based on the linked blog post,

@rossbcan has gotten this integration working and there are plans to publish the integration here,

Great, thanks again @mirzak!