Mender Installation in local server fails

I followed the steps mentioned in the link [Production installation | Mender documentation] for open source prod deployment in one of my company’s servers. I got the error after executing ‘./run up’ command.

I have skipped some steps in the process as its an internal server and we dont have public internet access to it. First i copied the git project manually to the server and i have also pulled the required images in to the required server( by pushing it from company laptop to our internal repo and pulling those same images to our internal server)
The following are the steps used in mender deployment. I have also skipped some steps. Kindly check comments for the reason and help

#! /bin/bash
cd mender-server/production
cp config/prod.yml.template config/prod.yml

#skipped as git is not installed
git add .
git commit -m ‘production: initial template’

#already pulled manually so skipped this
./run pull



git add keys-generated
git commit -m ‘production: adding generated keys and certificates’

echo “creating volumes for mender”
docker volume create --name=mender-artifacts
docker volume create --name=mender-db
docker volume create --name=mender-elasticsearch-db
docker volume create --name=mender-redis-db

#since pwgen is not installed, i have manually generated generated Random number online using
# ; Generated key as OYQjK5N3JGfD0TaY

sed -i.bak “s/MINIO_ACCESS_KEY:./MINIO_ACCESS_KEY: mender-deployments/g" config/prod.yml
sed -i.bak "s/MINIO_SECRET_KEY:.
sed -i.bak “s/DEPLOYMENTS_AWS_AUTH_KEY:./DEPLOYMENTS_AWS_AUTH_KEY: mender-deployments/g" config/prod.yml
sed -i.bak “s/$STORAGE_PROXY_DOMAIN_NAME:9000/g” config/prod.yml
sed -i.bak “s/$STORAGE_PROXY_DOMAIN_NAME/g” config/prod.yml
sed -i.bak “s/my-gateway-dns-name/$API_GATEWAY_DOMAIN_NAME/g” config/prod.yml

git add config/prod.yml
git commit -m ‘production: configuration’
git log --oneline 2.3.0…HEAD

Received an error ERROR: for storage-proxy Container “5ac3476f2eee” is unhealthy

after running ./run up -d.

The container logs are here

Would be interesting to see container logs of the failing service.

Hi @vikram it looks like you have a version mismatch somewhere. You seem to be running an older minio instance with the newer config files.

Hi drewmoseley,
This issue is fixed and now i have another one. Kindly help