Jetson Orin NX and Jetpack 6 Mender & Intergration issues

I solved the issue for the data partition layout.

The description for UDA is cryptic but the reality is that it’s a NVIDIA reserved partition and should not be used. Jetson Orin NX Custom Partition Layout fails with UDA at the end - #6 by JerryChang - Jetson Orin NX - NVIDIA Developer Forums

Unfortunately meta-mender-tegra relies on the UDA partition to work in the default configuration. meta-mender-community/meta-mender-tegra/recipes-bsp/tegra-binaries/tegra-storage-layout-base_%.bbappend at cb5dd30c043efcd4fab501d0cf9a8670031ab8df · mendersoftware/meta-mender-community · GitHub

In order to solve the issue and having Mender working on Jetson Orin NX you need to create a new partition

        <partition name="permanet_user_storage" id= "17" type="data">
            <allocation_policy> sequential </allocation_policy>
            <filesystem_type> basic </filesystem_type>
            <size> 419430400 </size>
            <file_system_attribute> 0 </file_system_attribute>
            <allocation_attribute> 0x808 </allocation_attribute>
            <percent_reserved> 0 </percent_reserved>
            <align_boundary> 16384 </align_boundary>
            <filename> DATAFILE </filename>
            <description> **Required.** This partition is used to store permanent user
              and device data between A/B updates</description>
        <partition name="secondary_gpt" type="secondary_gpt">
            <allocation_policy> sequential </allocation_policy>
            <filesystem_type> basic </filesystem_type>
            <size> 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF </size>
            <file_system_attribute> 0 </file_system_attribute>
            <allocation_attribute> 8 </allocation_attribute>
            <percent_reserved> 0 </percent_reserved>

and set in the local.conf MENDER_DATA_PART_NUMBER = "17"

You can also disable mender-growfs-data since the line following line

<allocation_attribute> 0x808 </allocation_attribute>

Will automatically grow the partition to the end at flash.
