Is it possible to add files to a mender artifact with wildcards?

Hi all,

during a mender artifact creation, I want to append all files that start with a certain name, e.g. “driverscript_*”. I tried using

mender-artifact write module-image
-f driverscript_*

with and in the same folder.

However, this just adds the one (the first?) file that matches the wildcard, ignoring all others.

Is there an option to append multiple files like this without having to specify all file names?

Thanks in advance,

Hi @regnisier,

As far as I can see, not directly. It’s not just about adding multiple files to the artifact, it’s also about having an update module on the receiving end which can handle those appropriately. So you probably need to create a custom update module with the required logic. Maybe basing off the single-file one is a good starting point, see Single File

Hope this helps,